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COVID-19 Resources

This page is an aggregation of sites that have been helpful to us on a number of topics and may be helpful to clients and friends in taking proactive measures to shore up their lives and businesses in these uncertain times. We will do our best to update this page as we come across more useful information. Please email Margrit if you have questions or suggestions! 




White House -

World Health Org -

Cenders for Disease Control and Prevention -



Colorado COVID-19 Dial Dashboard (status per county) -

Denver Post tracking data on cases-

Executive Orders -

Public Health Orders -

Q&A about enforcement of Public Health Orders -

Colorado DPHE -

Colorado resources available to support small businesses, nonprofits, freelancers, and independent contractors

Help Colorado Now - volunteer / donate -

Colorado Division of Insurance -

National Governors Assoc. - aggregating state actions across the US -

National Assoc. of State Legislatures - aggregating state action, including which states have passed laws, e.g. related to sick leave,

Colorado Courts Information, by the Colo. Bar Assoc. -


In-Language Resources for Coronavirus (COVID-19) for languages other than English, from the Asian Pacific Development Center -


Federal Law Changes

CARES Act and financial relief

US Chamber Flyer explaining CARES Act

Small Business Administration -

Colorado Small Business Development Center -

The actual bill:

Detailed Summary from Nat'l Cong of State Legislatures:


Families First Coronavirus Response Act -

Text of bill and summary of measures taken, including paid sick leave, food assistance, testing, and protection for health care workers. NOTE - this grants additional FMLA paid leave rights (related to public health emergency) to workers in companies of less than 500 employees (DOL can issue regulations exempting businesses with fewer than 50 employers).


Small Business Administration 

US Small Business Administration guidance and loan resources with a comprehensive list of links and fact sheets


Colorado SBDC small business response resource page -


Small Business Loans / Financial Relief

Colorado Executive Order directing $3 million in emergency funds to provide short-term rental and mortgage assistance to low-income households, among other things. "Order Limiting Evictions, Foreclosures, and Public Utility Disconnections and Expediting Unemployment Insurance Claim Processing"


Denver Economic Relief Package creating an initial relief fund of $4million


Employers & General Business, Tax

Comprehensive resources for businesses and employers, from the accountant's perspective, Dalby Wendland CPAs --


CARES Act accounting guidance from CPA Michael F Pharris


Another resource site on all things business and workforce related, including tax deferments -


Emergency Action Plans - A blog post from my friends at SK&S legal on legal and logistical considerations of EAPs -


Relevant legal issues - Another blog post on important legal considerations when addressing workforce issues -


Equine Industry

Colorado Department of Agriculture resources, including status of brand inspections


The Colorado Unwanted Horse Alliance is sponsoring several groups that have set up hay banks for those financially affected by this pandemic, for example Drifter’s Heart of Hope, End of the Trail Rescue, Inc. (according to their Facebook page), and Colorado Horse Rescue Network in Rush, CO (according to their Facebook page).


American Horse Council resources, including for nonprofits


PATH International guidance to equine assisted therapy centers -


Jocky Club Safety Net Foundation -


United Horse Coalition resources for horse owners


AAEP/ASPCA Vet Direct Safety Net Program to Help Horse Owners in Need -


A physician and veterinarian write about best cleaning practices in the stables. "Think that your barn is on “strangles protocol”, but with the humans having strangles…" -


Kentucky Horse Council - guidance from a vet to vets and horse owners -


Horse Nation - advice for best practices in the stables during restricted movement orders -


Healthcare Professionals

Colorado Medical Board has released emergency measures to increase healthcare providers' ability to practice and provide care during this disaster, in a number of ways including expanded telemedecine opportunities -


Waiver or Modification of Requirements Under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act on a number of matters relating to Stark, HIPAA, EMTALA and others


Health Insurance

Colorado directives to health insurers regarding testing for COVID-19, telehealth, prescriptions -



Colo. VMA resources


Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment guidance to vet practices -


American Association of Equine Practitioners -


Amercian Veterinary Medical Association -


Helping Local Nonprofits

Longmont Community Foundation Neighbor-to-Neighbor COVID-19 Relief Fund -


Longmont Community Foundation Grants Catalog listing all requests for support -

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